Transforming the Outdoors Experience

Providing simple, modern and secure technology platforms to conservation agencies and their consumers.

Transforming the Outdoors Experience

Providing simple, modern and secure technology platforms to conservation agencies and their consumers.

Solution Platform

Brandt’s solutions simplify workflows for licenses, reservations, and registrations that increase reach and accessibility for recreational agencies, license agents, and the public to have full control over their outdoor activities.

IT Staffing / Services

Brandt’s consulting and project staffing services allow you to
focus on your mission. Leave the technology to us.

Mobile Solutions


“From the beginning, Brandt and those assigned to support DWR have always provided exceptional service and innovation in the areas of design, deployment and ongoing enhancement of our new solution. Brandt offers a true ‘team’ approach to their level of support.”

“In the spirit of true partnership, Brandt has exceeded contract requirements. I have been delighted with the GoOutdoorsGeorgia system, the Service Desk, and Brandt’s customer-focused attitude and attention to detail.”

Georgia Wildlife

“We have been absolutely thrilled with the performance from the Brandt team leading up to and after the  launch of our new platform, Go Outdoors Oklahoma. Our new solution is an incredibly streamlined, user-friendly experience.”

“The Brandt team, from all aspects, has worked side-by-side with various agency staff to ensure a smooth transition from our previous vendor to the current system.”


Let’s Work Together

Learn how Brandt can help streamline your agency processes,
increase revenue streams, and promote outdoor recreation.

Our Promise to Our Partners

We are with you every step
of the way.

We won’t sleep on a needed fix.

The Customer is always right.