Archive for category: Marketing

Brandt Information Services Recognized as a GovTech100 Company for 2023

Brandt Information Services is pleased to announce we have been recognized by Government Technology as a GovTech 100 company for 2023! The GovTech 100 list is comprised of companies that have made a difference in the technology space for local and state government agencies. We are proud to offer a licensing and permitting system that allows for a user-friendly experience for customers and serves as a revenue driver for state agencies.

“This year we have seen an exponential increase in gov tech market activity – from new companies starting up to help government tackle complex challenges, to existing companies joining forces for scale through consolidations, gov tech as an industry is clearly showing its recession-proof characteristics. Each of the GovTech 100 companies demonstrates the energy of our market across all gov tech segments,” stated Dustin Haisler, Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer for Government Technology. 

Winners will be featured in the January/February issue of Government Technology magazine and GovTech Daily’s newsletter

Check out the full list of awarded companies:!

Go Outdoors Florida’s New Hard Cards

Our partner, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) released new license card designs! Hard cards are collectible, credit-card style documents that are an alternative to paper licenses. Cards are printed with a customer’s most up-to-date licenses and permits for easy access when hunting or fishing.

Customers can purchase the designs at or using the app. Funds from hard cards help support conservation efforts and marketing initiatives for our state partners. The new cards feature art from Guy Harvey and Ed Anderson. Check out the designs!

KDWP’s New Flatlander Podcast Episode on Go Outdoors Kansas Licensing System

Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks released an episode of their Flatlander Podcast focused on our new Go Outdoors Kansas system. Our digital license approach has accounted for over 60% of transactions to occur electronically through the Go Outdoors Kansas app or website. This, along with the new electronic check-in/check-out process, makes this one of our most feature-filled installs to date. We are excited about what the new system has in store for KDWP staff and its constituents! Check out the podcast episode here or listen below:

State game agencies aren’t engaging nearly enough new folks, or capturing their potential license dollars

Hunter numbers have been declining from an all-time high in the early ’80s. And when the alarm bells started ringing more than a decade ago, our collective response time was abysmal. First, the hunting industry had to admit there was a problem. Next, we had to understand what we’d been doing wrong. Now that state agencies and conservation groups have finally identified which programs work, they’re trying to act on that intel. Meanwhile, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, we’ve lost 255,195 hunters nationwide between 2016 and 2020. “In the Future: The New Guard Will Save Hunting (and the Old-Timers Are Going to Help)”

Amplify Your Licensing Story


Video Content Marketing & Social Media Influencers

The evolution of video content marketing and social media has increased revenues and high value presence for public agencies in the new, fun, and measurable tactics. The beauty of the authentic and shareable messages lies in their ability to connect with a potential outdoors advocate and converting them into a new customer. Organic sharing takes over,
delighting new, lapsed, and existing customers equally.

Authenticity over Perfection

As state agencies providing resources to the public, we often prioritize perfection over authenticity. However, when hiring third party content producers, it is important that you give them the freedom to promote your product in a unique, authentic manner.

A social influencer video clip which is micromanaged or over-critiqued may likely finding itself closer to the holiday movie look or even worse
– out of season and unable to be used.

While breaking the communication mold with real life short clips, the content is relatable to the common user of social media. Well-used equipment or an influencer who looks more like someone who would show up to a family reunion than a holiday movie set results in more engaged content – the emotional tie begins to form.

Raw, real life videos also benefit from significant reductions in postproduction turnaround time which many are accustomed.

Spring 2020 Generated Revenue

With a combined investment of $58,000, Brandt, in collaboration with its state agency partners, was able to produce 11 videos that generated $117,000 in state agency revenue, not to mention the incredible earned media value. The created assets will continue to be used to drive awareness and system revenue.
(Combined investment includes influencer payment, video production, and digital ad spend.)


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How To Measure Marketing Incrementality in a Regulatory eCommerce Environment

Digital Advertising for Hunting & Fishing Licenses

State natural resource agencies are funded by hunting, fishing, and vessel related licenses, permits, and registrations. The fees, combined with a federal match, make up a majority of the state agencies’ annual budgets. Consumer trends indicate a decline in hunting and fishing participation which negatively impacts wildlife management budgets. To help combat these concerns, state natural resource agencies are implementing digital advertising strategies. These digital advertisements leverage modern e-commerce tactics to drive awareness and conversion of sales transactions.

Digital Advertising Placement Channels

State natural resource agencies are leveraging digital advertising campaigns to promote wildlife licensing and vessel registration system sales. A variety of digital advertising placement tactics are available to attract new and lapsed customers, including:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – Text ads shown to users while they are actively searching for related terms.
  • Display Advertising – Delivers visual ads to users based on online activity and available user information. Selective targeting tactics include behavioral, contextual, search engine, geofencing, look-a-like audiences, app ownership, weather-based, and retargeting.
  • Social Advertising – Leverage people-based targeting to reach users based on how and where they spend their time. It uses a collection of consumer data from offline and online sources to identify and reach the individual user across social platforms.
  • E-Commerce Advertising – Targeting users based on shopping history related to outdoor recreational activities combined with geographical information.
  • Native Advertising – Ads resembling editorial news articles and/or listicles that drive users to complete a purchase.
  • Streaming Advertising – Displaying ads to users while they are streaming entertainment such as music, podcasts, and videos.

The Reporting Concern

A well-rounded digital advertising strategy involves various touchpoints throughout a user’s path to purchase. Each advertising placement channel may be executed leveraging a different platform, therefore creating separate reporting mechanisms for each channel. Due to replication of users across various placement channels, one cannot simply total the revenue between all placement channel reports to reach an accurate total of revenue generated from digital advertising. An attribution model must be implemented to distribute credit between various channels based on known data.


Kelsey Hersey, Brandt Information Services

Sample Path to Conversion

A potential customer may see ads multiple times across platforms before resulting in a transaction:

Reporting Requirements

In order to implement a highly trackable digital advertising campaign, the following elements are required:

  • A system that assigns a unique Order ID (Transaction ID) to each completed sales transaction.
  • Google Analytics configured to pull in transactional data.
  • Pixels placed to track site visitors and transaction completions.
  • UTM tags on advertising links to track click-through traffic and revenue.

De-Duplicating Revenue Across Placement Channels

When generating revenue reports from advertising platforms…

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Iowa DNR Growing Donor Registry Through Licensing System Integration

Go Outdoors Brandt

Brandt Encourages Its Team to Go Outdoors

The best way to learn is to immerse oneself in their environment. At Brandt, that’s exactly what we do. We invest in our call center and solution development staff with industry related perks so they can learn firsthand about our customers’ recreational experience.

To continue to foster our staff’s enjoyment of the outdoors and our commitment to the quality of our services, Brandt offers its team members an inventory of camping supplies available for check out, as well as subsidizing two nights of camping in state parks each year.

The camping equipment cache includes an eight person tent, camp stove and cooking utensils, ice chest, hammocks, easy-up open tent, fishing rods and reels, lanterns, bug spray, and first aid kits. We know the importance of first-hand outdoor experience and encourage our team to go outdoors.

For more information on State Parks, or to locate the one nearest you, visit